Basic Plots
   These Visuals are from my project on big data and cloud computing. They are more basic and include A violin plot, line plot, regression tree, stacked bar plot, and A neural network plot. The project is interactive and currently live.
Custom Visuals
This is a custom visual I created. It is a word cloud shaped by an image and then is blended over the image. It is created entirely in the Python coding language. The Image used is a photo of Martin Luther King Jr. and the words are scraped from the famous "I have a dream" speech.
Rival Word Cloud
   Here I wanted to create a visual that I called Rival Word Clouds. It uses a similar technique as the visual above, but does have some extra steps. The images are of the famous rivalry between Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison. The words are taken from their top 100 quotes.
Custom Photo Analysis Visual
   This is a custom visual I created to analyze photos I had taken with a visual color palette broken down by the Color Hex keys and merged it side-by-side with the original image. This is a photo I took of a sunset in Key West, Florida.
Custom Animated quadruple side-by-side plots
   This is a animated visual I created from scratch to see multiple variable changes of time series data. This particular visual displays data taken from the IMDB database and shows how films changed throughout the years starting in the early 1900's.
Population Consumption Plot Concept Package
   I know this visual is simple and looks like it was made in Microsoft Paint. However, it was actually created using R coding language. This is a plot concept I created from scratch and has a similar concept as a stacked bar chart. I call it a consumption plot because it allows you to see how different variables can consume an entire population in a very simple way. I still got some cleaning up to do with it, but it demonstrates that I could do any visual I want from scratch!
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